We invest with conviction and commitment.


Our investment philosophy is built on a foundation of rigorous, iterative research that keeps us at the forefront of our three key areas: Data & Security, Fintech, and Health & Human Empowerment.

Each area is led by at least one of our Founding Partners, ensuring a deep level of expertise and dedicated focus. We understand the critical importance of staying ahead in the rapidly evolving landscape, which is why we emphasize the depth of our collective networks and interdisciplinary collaboration.

Our team and networks consist of experts from our portfolio and industry, from which we are able to leverage each other's expertise and foster connections, gain unique insights, and identify emerging trends. By fostering collaboration between each domain, we unlock synergies and innovative solutions that drive exceptional results. This interdisciplinary approach allows us to navigate complexities, mitigate risks, and seize untapped opportunities.


At Acrew, we believe that we are standing at the precipice of a new era for financial innovation. We’ve seen fintech sentiment  shift from fervor to sobriety over the last few years - with the dust settled, now is the time to build.  As we saw with the first major cohort of fintechs, born in the wake of the Global Financial Crisis, macroeconomic volatility creates new and meaningful financial pains for consumers and businesses. Entrepreneurs who build to solve these very real problems can be extremely impactful. We’re still in the dawn of how modern technology can rewrite the world’s financial system. The first big wave of fintechs were characterized by entrepreneurs bringing existing financial products online. Monolithic incumbents still have significant market share and global dominance – while fintechs have just scratched the surface. In this next era, with the proliferation of new financial infrastructure and AI, founders will fundamentally reimagine how financial institutions should serve their customers.

  1. New technologies will enable the democratization of access to high-quality financial products and services globally 
  2. In our increasingly interconnected world, the payment rails that connect people and businesses globally will become faster, safer, more reliable, and less expensive
  3. Emerging risks across the board - from credit risk, fraud to cybersecurity and long-tail insurance risk - will be solved by bespoke & more tech-enabled underwriting capabilities
    • Generational shifts happen on both ends - Gen Z, the first generation of true digital natives, enters the workplace and becomes an economic force to be reckoned with. They expect more personalized tools and platforms to meet their unique financial profiles. Gen X & Boomers, increasingly savvy with technology, are looking for ways to decumulate assets effectively for themselves and posterity
  1. Many cumbersome financial operations are ready for AI driven automation 

We are drawn to founders who possess not only audacious vision but also a keen understanding of the fundamentals that underpin sustainable growth. They seek not just to disrupt, but to rebuild the very architecture of the financial system. At Acrew, we stand ready to support this next generation of fintech pioneers.

Our Journal

Data & Security


Data is more important than ever. We’re generating more of it in the digital world as well as a connected and compute-enabled physical world. We’ve recognized the value in defragmenting data silos and unlocking the potential of latent data. And we’ve combined it with a maturing compute stack and ever-improving models — the foundation of a personal, organizational, and industrial revolution changing the world for the better.
We’re excited to continue our work backing those at the forefront of this revolution. Some of what’s on our mind:

  1. Making use of latent data and AI/ML to do something better — full stop
  2. Modular and decentralized approaches to managing, governing, and using data that ease friction and underpin shifts in technical architecture
  3. Unlocking the potential of a vast and growing pool of edge compute and connected devices, from servers to microcontrollers to satellites
  4. Enabling infrastructure and tooling to empower software engineers, AI/ML practitioners, and data scientists to build and deploy production-scale AI
  5. Powering the robotics revolution by enabling builders and new use cases; better, faster, cheaper

We recognize, however, that the most meaningful change can come from unexpected places. We don’t expect your business to fit neatly in a box. We love to work with founders with deep technical or domain expertise and a fresh perspective on using data to change things for the better.


A hyper connected world is driving the need for new ecosystems for security, management, and integration. Securing important systems, fundamentally building in privacy, and respecting data sovereignty are not just a market and consumer expectation but part of an expanding regulatory mandate, and the paradigm shifts in data infrastructure and AI/ML are changing the way requirements (and correspondingly, budgets) for enterprise security teams are determined. We know from our long track record of partnering with security founders that the needed innovations will come from those startups with the depth of expertise and boldness of vision to meet the current moment. If you’re building in any of the categories below (or something we haven’t thought of, but should have), we’d love to hear from you:

  1. The security skills gap is too big to be filled by onboarding new security professionals…technologies that increase productivity and manage complexity are needed in virtually every security domain.
  2. Proving that due care has been taken (and continues to be taken) around security and privacy is no longer just a checkbox for the regulator…it’s now table stakes for doing business around the world.
    • New foundational models are unlocking applications we could only dream of a few years ago…these bring with them new kinds of vulnerabilities and weaknesses that need to be mitigated.
    • AI and ML applications, unfortunately, will also allow attackers to perpetrate fraud, social engineering and other attacks also in ways unheard of just a few years ago…a new generation of security controls is needed across the entire stack to defend against these threats.

We’re looking for founding teams with deep security expertise, the foresight to be ahead of the curve as new threats emerge, and the wisdom to build security products that don’t disrupt the operation of what they are protecting.

Our Journal

Health & Human Empowerment

The time for entrepreneurs building start-ups to empower humans is now. We believe there is opportunity to reduce friction, improve access and better service consumers to fulfill their hierarchy of needs. The new cycle of consumer innovation is happening at the crux of new technologies (AI, AR/VR, blockchain) driving richer interaction, better personalization, and increased transparency. This is set against a backdrop of ever-rising costs for essential services (ex: health, education, housing)

Within Health, our lens isn’t just limited to the patient or the provider; we think that all stakeholders that interact with the healthcare system can benefit from the advances in data mobility, applications of AI, and capabilities of new form factors. We focus on the severity of the problem being solved and are flexibly minded about business model.

In tandem, we observe consumer desires across learning, development, creative expression, and finding community. Our belief is that these are all key drivers of Human Empowerment (and flourishing). Younger generations represent the bleeding edge of online culture and are making their mark on existing and next-gen online experiences, harnessing a sense of authenticity, community and gaming mechanics.

There is no mold for the founders whom we support, other than to say that we partner with entrepreneurs who cultivate a deep and ongoing understanding of who their customer and user is. Health & Human Empowerment, as we see this thesis, is not for the faint of heart, but one in which we see ample opportunity.

Our Journal